
Bread and cheese purchased at a supermarket in Georgia.

Bed in until 3pm, then explore the city!

Today, I arrived in the morning. Then I decided to sleep. I was really at the limit of my energy and very tired, so I decided to go to bed. When I woke up, it was 15:00, so I decided to go to the supermarket and walked around the town. I didn’t feel very safe, and I felt like there were a lot of people. There were many Russians, and I could hear Russian everywhere. I wondered if it is really safe. I was really worried about whether I would be able to do it physically and mentally in the future. But I had no choice, and my future depends on how I conduct myself in a situation like this. Generally, just having food is enough. Soviet people had a hard time even eating bread. I think I’m lucky that I’m not that far gone. It would be nice to have this kind of experience in life. Really. Anyway, let’s do our best. Let’s get through this time. It’s a really bad situation, and with inflation, everything is getting more expensive, so it’s really bad. And I don’t have any connections with people, so I want to connect with people somehow. I want to make friends with Georgians. I really don’t know what to do. But I have to, so I will! I’m cold, I’m not well nourished, I’m worried about money, and I’m worried about connection. With all these uncertainties, what will I do? There are so many things I have to do. Such things are falling on me. I have to do my best somehow, someway. I will do my best. I can definitely do it. I will not be defeated by these difficulties.

I have no cooking skills, just peppered pasta.

I have no cooking skills, just peppered pasta.