
Making Khinkali

Working, making friend on Tinder at night

Today is a day to work all day.

Today, I woke up at 10:30 in the morning. I had a meeting today, and I spent about 20 minutes talking to a new new company in the morning who was going to guide me through an online meeting with them.
Then I talked with my fellow Tanaka-san for about an hour, and we talked a lot about his future and about owned media. I realized how important it is to talk to other people, as it can bring issues into relief and give me many ideas. I recommended English pronunciation and English teaching materials to Mr. Tanaka. I think it is important to do the only thing you can give as much as you can.


Meeting with colleagues from the same company

Then, Mr. Matsushita came to GATHER to talk with us. Mr. Matsushita gave me my first project, so we had a meeting about it. At that time, it coincided with the housekeeper coming to my house to clean up, so I attended the meeting while the housekeeper cleaned up. The meeting was really difficult to listen to because it was about full customization of WordPress. But I could understand how deep WordPress is through this kind of thing.

Then, we were able to identify things to do. After that, I was supposed to talk with Mr.Matsushita at GATHER for about 10 minutes, but we talked for about 30 minutes. He was really easy to talk to, as he is a person who listens to people’s stories while leaning on them. He was very introverted, perhaps because he is a person who is always introspecting. Since I am also an introvert, we really hit it off, and we had these intense conversations.

We talked about Maslow’s class system and how difficult human beings are. I shared with him that I was having a really hard time making friends in Georgia and that I was trying my best, and he gave me all kinds of advice, listened to me, and sympathized with me. Thank you very much. Then I asked about the 403 error on the back end.


So after our talk, I was really tired and felt like I had no energy. So I decided to go to bed and sleep for a bit.
From then on, today I made pasta with carbasa, eggs, butter, ketchup, and pasta. It was really a lot but very, very tasty.

Pasta that is getting better and better.

Pasta that is getting better and better.

I really feel that the pasta is improving more and more. At first it was just pepper and pasta, but now there are eggs and ham. So I really felt how amazing human beings are.


Make friends on Tinder in the evening

I’m going to meet someone I met on Tinder. I don’t know if I can actually meet her, but she is Latvian, volunteers and came to Tbilisi. Anyway, I want to make friends. But Mr. Matsushita says, “Don’t be in a hurry”. I really felt that this is true. After that, I finished the coding of the top page of the project, which was very important to me. I also finished coding another project. I was very tired, but I managed to finish.


However, I felt deeply that I need to do these things first, since my own projects are not progressing very well. I would like to make my Japanese, English, and French portfolios and make them more solid. By doing so, I think I will be able to receive higher quality projects. I will do my best. I feel that I have gained weight recently. What should I do?