
Purchased a lot of fruit at the bazaar!

Purchased a lot of fruit at the bazaar!

Let’s take a leisurely walk outside today. That will make me feel better, I thought. That’s what I thought.

Today I finally got to sleep in the morning. I was really sick and felt like I had a very hard time sleeping. At least I took all the juice and other vitamins that were there. Then I was able to go back to sleep, but I was awakened by a knock on the door at about 12:00 by the admin lady. She said what’s app and you are not at home right now? She was like, “Is he not home right now?”. So I told her that “I’m sleeping because I’m not feeling well right now. I’m really sorry. ” Then she said she was sorry for waking me up too.

So she told me what to do when I caught a cold and the names of medicines. She was very kind. She told me to tell her right away if I had any problems. I really feel that she is very kind even though she is just an administrator. Thank you. After that, I went to the supermarket and bought a lot of things at a higher price than usual.

Eggs, milk, lemons for vitamins, and kiwi fruit, the king of fruits. I bought those. I bought three kiwis for only about 100 yen. It was really cheap. They were really tasty when I ate them at home.

I thought it was a really good deal to be able to buy such delicious fruit at such a low price, so I decided to go to the market I had been to recently. So, as soon as I got back from the supermarket, I got ready and went out again. Oh, by the way, I bought some honey because I heard that it kills bacteria and is good for me. But I think it is one of the training to heal with natural remedies like this, and I usually rely on medicine, but I think it is a great challenge how to heal with what is there, and I really feel that I am learning a lot because I can really learn new things.


Then I go out to the bazaar where fruits and other items are sold.

There were so many fruits there. But there were really few kiwis for sale. So, a kilo of kiwi cost 4 lari. At the current exchange rate, that’s 200 yen. It was so cheap that I decided to buy a kilo. And peaches were also really cheap, at 5 lari per kilo. Then I walked further into the store.

Dragon fruit!

Dragon fruit!

At a market where fruits are sold.

At a market where fruits are sold.

I was really in a great mood as I strolled along, listening to Taylor Swift’s recent music along the way.It was raining a little at first, but it soon stopped, and I wondered if it rains much in Georgia. So we passed the bazaar and now went to a bazaar that sold a lot of clothes and fashion. It was really a market, or rather, an outside market where so many clothes were hung that it seemed impossible to find in Japan, and where each and every shopkeeper was there.

There was an optician, a hat shop, jeans, and household goods. There was really a lot. The last time I was there, the Apple C-plug was really only a bargain.


I decided to eat Loviani for the first time.

On the way back on foot, I found a bakery, as there are many stores selling bread in Georgia. There was a bread called Lobiani, which Nini had recommended to me recently, a hachapuri-like bread containing beans, so I decided to try it.

First time in Roviani

First time in Roviani

There was really only beans inside, but they were very tasty. Maybe there was something else in it, but I didn’t have much of a sense of taste because of my runny nose. But I knew it tasted good. Then again, they seem to be a little salty. The Lobiani beans are really similar to Japanese adzuki beans in my opinion. But then again, they were so similar that they might as well have been almost the same. I sat down to eat them on a bench nearby.

 It's insanely good.

It’s insanely good.

What I am feeling now. That is, I am used to Georgia and now that I am ill, I am distracted by it and no longer have time to think about embarrassment. In other words, I was so used to Georgia and so distracted by my illness that I no longer had time to think about embarrassment or other such things. In other words, this is because I am sick now, but I thought that if I could turn my attention to something different, this would stop happening.

 Stray cat near the bakery. Cute.

Stray cat near the bakery. Cute.

I’m Introvert so I really don’t even feel comfortable going into the store, but in a situation like this I don’t feel any resistance at all and I thought I might be able to meet people normally. So I want to focus more on my work and turn my thoughts either to that or to other things that interest me. Then I won’t have that kind of embarrassment. What is embarrassment anyway? I feel like. I still haven’t gotten over the Japanese way of thinking, and I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. I want to focus on myself and not on others, so that I can concentrate on my own life. I want to become more detached and precise, to be clear about what is black and white.


I felt it sitting on a park bench.

So after eating Lobiani on the way home, I was a little tired of walking, so I sat down on a bench in a nearby park to rest.Across the street, two young girls were talking and laughing as they placed coffee and bread on each other’s benches. What a wonderful atmosphere. I love this kind of atmosphere. Sitting in the park, talking and smiling to each other in a peaceful atmosphere. Such a time is wonderful, isn’t it?But in Japan, this kind of thing is not so common. I feel that most people go to cafes or restaurants to talk. I don’t know about that. But I thought it would be nice to have this kind of atmosphere.

Relax on a park bench

Relax on a park bench

I also felt that they must have cherished their grandmothers and grandfathers very much. I got the sense that the family has a strong bond, and that they are all helping each other to survive. I don’t know if it was telepathy or what, but I could visualize it in my brain. I spent a peaceful time thinking about this.

A lady feeding pigeons. She must have experienced the war, so I wondered what she thought about such a town. I wondered how she would feel about such a town, which must have changed a lot since then.


Buy that special medicine at the pharmacy

Then my head started hurting and I decided to go home. And on the way there, I saw a pharmacy, so I decided to stop there. There, I looked for that lemon powder. That medicine was the same as when I was studying in Russia, a lemon powder medicine to lower fever.

A special remedy that immediately brings down the fever.

A special remedy that immediately brings down the fever.

I wonder if it really works, but it works so well that I want to bring more of it with me. I even think it might be more effective than Japanese medicine. So I bought it. It was not that expensive, 14 lari for 12 packages. But they also had small packages, so I bought 4 packages, and they said if you buy 4 packages, you get 2 extra packages, so it was only 6 lari. Then I walked around again, this time to buy shawrama.


After a long time, I bought a Shawrama and went home.

There was a Shawrama’s store near the station, so I bought one there, thinking it had been a while since I had had that taste. I don’t know if they have raised the price of this one, but it was very expensive. It was 780 yen! But as for the size, it was so, so, so big. It was too big for one person to eat. So, I think I’ll just get the S size next time.

First time at Shawrama in a long time! It's the best!

First time at Shawrama in a long time! It’s the best!

What I liked about it was that it was an easy way to get chicken (protein) and vegetables like tomatoes. Plus, it’s very nutritious because it has so much chicken in it. It was really delicious.

When I arrived home, I took my medicine and ate kiwi. The kiwis I bought from the supermarket were ripe and very tasty, but the ones from the bazaar were not ripe yet and were very hard. So I squeezed them like juice and drank them. But they were very tasty.

 Fruits bought today. All for about 300 yen. Cheap!

Fruits bought today. All for about 300 yen. Cheap!

Then I took a short nap, and when I woke up, I studied English, etc., etc. But I spent a lot of money today. But it was all an investment for curing my illness. Besides, I feel like I bought experimental materials for curing illnesses with natural remedies, so it’s all a learning experience. I hope that I will recover from my illness soon. But it was my own fault that I got sick, and I deserved everything.