
Today I had another new encounter

Today I had another new encounter.

Today, I had another new encounter.

I was just getting out of the bath normally and netsurfing my phone when a young man came into the room. He looked like that actor from Fantastic Beasts, really cool. He sounded very kind and I thought oh, he must be a nice guy.

I said, “Hello,” without noticing. He was a bit intimidated, probably because it was his first time, and he didn’t know which bet to use. So I said, “This one, this one, and this one are empty, so you can use them”. He and I stayed near the beds and talked for a long time. I told him I could speak a little Russian, and we talked in English.



Speaking of which, I had a Wendy’s burger for lunch today.



He and I talk for nearly half an hour near the bed

He told me about his city, Tveri. He told me that he moved from Tveri to Georgia right after the war started, and that he and his wife are now living comfortably in a small town near Batumi. His wife is a 21-year-old college student. I was a little surprised. He is really very good-looking! No way! I mean, he looked like he was 26 or something like that. But he is 32 years old. Then we talked about food. What do you like to eat? And what he likes to eat.

He told me that carbohydrates are not good for him, and that he has stomach problems, so he usually eats a lot of salads, and chicken and pork. Okay, that’s it. That’s it. That’s the secret to looking young. I knew right away. Eating fatty foods makes you look old. But people who eat such salads look really young. He was born in Latvia, which surprised me too.

When I told him that I was going to Latvia on the 17th, he told me that his brother knew a lot about Latvia and that there was a castle near Riga that he highly recommended. Then he told me that he couldn’t stay in Russia after the Russian invasion started, so he moved to Georgia and now he came to Tbilisi to have his passport for overseas made and renewed at the Russian embassy or somewhere, or something like that.

He said he didn’t like the Russian passport because it limits the countries he can go to without a visa, or something like that, but he said that was fine because he could stay in Georgia for a year, then leave for neighboring Armenia, and then come back lol. He was really laid back and spoke so slowly that sometimes I thought to myself, “Oh, come on! He speak too slow.” Then I asked him what he is doing.



He is an architect actually

He is an architect and usually designs houses and apartments. I thought it was really too amazing. He has been working in architecture for a long time, more than 10 years this year. And now he seems to be a freelancer. He also showed me his website. His portfolio is really beautiful, and I heard that he made it by himself. I was really impressed. I told him that I am a web designer and I can design your site. He said, “Well, I don’t know how much you can charge me, but I would like you to make this site more visible to more people.

I wonder if he meant SEO? I don’t know how much he would charge or what the price would be. I also showed him my portfolio and gave him my business card. Then he said he loves kayaking and he went to the Arctic Circle to kayak. He showed me a picture of it. I also told him about my trip to Ruskeala and Soltavala when I went to St. Petersburg. I told him that it was so cold at that time that my hands really froze. We talked about such things for a long time. I thought it was really fun, because there is so much to talk about just with Russians.



I was actually supposed to work at night, but apparently I met a nice guy, so we talked the whole time. After a pause, I decided to go to bed. He wanted to take a bath, so I led him to the bath. It’s encounters like this that really make it interesting to go abroad. He also followed me on his private account. He also has a piano video on his private account, and I found out that he also plays the piano as a hobby! I really felt that we have some things in common when we have similar atmospheres. I thought to myself, “If I ever have the chance to visit Georgia again, I would love to see him again.”

In the morning, after I took a shower and got dressed in bed, he wished me a good morning and gave me a piece of oyster fruit. Thank you so much.

I don’t like persimmons, but I’ll try my best to eat them. By the way, he said that fruit is very, very cheap. He also said that watermelons are very cheap in Russia in summer. That’s really true. So we said bye-bye, since he was only going to stay one night. I am glad I met a very nice person. But one day is really too short. But I would be happy if there is a chance to meet him again in the future.