
I made friends with one person who is working on a virtual currency project

I made friends with one person who is working on a virtual currency project

I had a new encounter. I think it’s a really wonderful meeting. I’ve been very busy lately, so I was working from 7:00 in the morning until about 7:00 at night, trying to finish all the work for the year before I go to Latvia on the 17th. I was working from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, and sometimes I felt really sleepy, but somehow I managed to rouse myself and fight it. So I would work there all the time, because Fabrica has a work space.



Buy donuts at a nearby donut shop.



As I was working, someone sitting nearby called out to me

I used to work there and the place was always full of people. As soon as a seat became available, people would come. It was like that. I was used to it, but new people would ask me, “Is it avairable here?” That kind of thing. I was working and had my earphones in, but they were running out of charge, so I took them out to recharge them, and someone sitting next to me asked, “Can anyone else do mobile development?”

I told him that I do web design and web development, and I showed him some of my own websites and designs that I have done. He said, “That’s very nice!”
I was really sleepy, so I didn’t have much time to talk to him. But I asked him what project he is working on and we exchanged what’s app.

His name is Constantin, and he apparently came to Tbilisi a month ago with his wife and two sons. I don’t know if it was because of the war or what, but I wondered if he probably came because he was afraid of the war. I could tell right away by his name that he is Russian. He didn’t speak English very well, but he gave me a presentation about the project he is working on. I was really impressed. That was the first thing I thought.



 It seems that he is doing a massive infrastructure project for virtual currency

Then, I was a little scared. That’s because he was giving a presentation for the first time out of the blue, so I was a little suspicious or something like that, but I hid it as much as I could and communicated with him. He said that his project is to create a kind of platform where people can earn virtual currency by walking around, but also from stores, schools, and anywhere in the world.

This is a very big project, but I told him that I was definitely interested in what he is trying to do and that it sounded really interesting and that I would definitely do what I could to help.

This made me realize something. I realized that I could be more open to him.

I was really surprised by his energy. He asked us out of the blue, “Is there anyone who does web-related work?” It was really amazing. Besides, his ploy was to create a nice looking prototype at first, present it to the investor, and then if he got paid, he could hire a lot of people and create the project. Besides, he is really an entrepreneur and has no programming skills or anything, just presentation slides and his idea to do this.

Besides, it seems that he already has an engineer in Pakistan, and there are about 4 of them. But what was really amazing, and what I realized, is that you don’t have to be an engineer to be able to do anything, as long as you can move people. I also realized that I can talk to many people more easily. As I thought yesterday, you only live once. So, I think we should communicate with various people more easily. That’s what he taught me.


1. You should communicate and talk to many people more easily.


2. It is up to you whether you make encounters or not


3. Even if you don’t have those skills, you can move people with your presentation skills.


He is apparently from the city right above Kazan, Russia, and he has a local business but apparently it’s boring because it’s on a small scale.
So he was always smiling and talking about how he wanted his business to have more of an impact around the world. He seemed to really enjoy it. I am sure he will succeed. So I want to do the best I can too.

I was sleepy, so I was having a really hard time making facial expressions, but meeting him was a really big discovery for me. The rest is up to me. I have to accept yourself and try to change more proactively and talk to many people even though I’m shy. That is really important I felt.

So, the next time I go abroad, I should take my camera with me and become a street photographer to take pictures of people. I should also train by going to countries where the frequency of talking to people is high, where it is so commonplace to talk to people that there is no definition of shyness (for example, Mexico or Nicaragua).

Start out small, little by little and eventually you will be able to talk to people in countries like the U.S. and France without being shy. I will overcome that. By overcoming this, I am sure that I will improve my people skills and become a more positive and open person. And I will be able to make wonderful encounters with people all the time. I think this is a wonderful skill.