
Called ambulance for tremors and paralysis. Going to Vietnam in the afternoon.

Called ambulance for tremors and paralysis. Going to Vietnam in the afternoon.

At the hotel in the morning

Today is the day of the flight! So I woke up at about 5:00 am, feeling like I was still sober in the morning. Then, I wondered what I should do. Of course, I should get ready, but I didn’t feel like doing that either. I felt like I didn’t want to do anything. So I had no choice but to take a shower and get ready. I drank some jasmine tea that I had bought yesterday. Still, I couldn’t sleep much, so I ended up spending some time lounging around in bed and looking at flight information. Finally, my head was still spinning, but I got ready and boarded the shuttle bus.


Then tragedy struck.

The moment I get on the shuttle bus, for some reason my fingers gradually become numb. At first I wonder if it is probably something, well, a reaction to being drunk. But as more and more time goes by, it starts to go up, and next, my feet start to go numb. Then, after 5 minutes, the mouth area becomes more and more numb as well. My stomach feels like it’s being compressed and crushed, and from there the numbness spreads from there to there, and finally my fingertips become “rigid” and I feel numb and twitchy. At the same time, I realize, “This is bad. So I wait for the bus to arrive at Terminal 1. And just as we arrived at Terminal 1, the last stop, and everyone was getting off, I shouted in a loud voice.


Shout loudly to the driver.

“Driver! Excuse me! Can I have some water? I’m dehydrated.” I thought to myself, “If my life is really in danger, I can scream like this.” So I ordered the driver to get me a bottle of water. Then I told the customer in front of me that I am dehydrated and asked him to buy me some saline solution.

Somehow I knew what was going on with me at that time, just like a paramedic. This was because I had studied life sciences in college, and I could really tell in an emergency situation like this, so I was reminded that knowledge is very important. Three minutes later, an airport employee came into the bus and brought me a bag of toilet paper to wear the liquid vomit. Is everything ok? She said, “I’m fine. But by then I had already put my vomit on in the bag. That’s because I drank a lot of water earlier. I guess there is still some alcohol left in my body. Because of dehydration, the flow of blood is slow and the concentration of alcohol is not diluted because it is not absorbed whether I drink water or not. That is why it is so hard to get rid of alcohol. I could hardly walk, I couldn’t stand up. I couldn’t get up. I couldn’t get my strength up. My fingers were so stiff and cramped that they felt like beaks, and I couldn’t even open the lid of a plastic bottle. It was that bad, really bad. Even when they gave me a water bottle, I had to ask them to let me drink it.


Really, I was ready to die. But after drinking the water, the symptoms subsided and I recovered to the point where I could manage to walk, although my fingers were numb. This showed me that the symptoms improved after drinking the water, so it was either dehydration or recovery due to sodium ions and other factors. But I had a feeling that if I vomited again, I would become even more dehydrated again and my pH would become alkaline. So I managed to get to the airport with the help of the airport staff, got my backpack, and sat down on a bench nearby. But even there, I felt so sick that I threw up, even though the staff was kind enough to support me. I am so sorry. And then, to my surprise, the terminal was 2 instead of 1, and I had to go to the check-in counter when I wanted to change the flight time. So I had to check in at least an hour before my flight, which was a 15-minute bus ride away, so I decided to go for it. So, I vomited, but I held the bag and drank some Pocari Sweat, which a customer in front of the bus later bought me.


I started having those symptoms again, so I had to ask for an ambulance.

I boarded the bus with the staff member. After that, on the way to the bus, the staff told me where I could buy saline solution. But suddenly I felt my stomach crushing again, and from there I could feel it in my body, and finally I had the same symptoms as before. I was convinced that I was dehydrated and needed an intravenous drip because I kept vomiting whether I drank or not. I would have to get a saline shot to help. This was my knowledge when I was a kid. I knew this because when I was in elementary school, I would get a fever and throw up vomit once every two weeks, and I would often go to the hospital to get an IV. When I vomited, I would get dehydrated, so I would get an IV drip. But since my mouth was also crusty, I was convinced that this was probably dehydration. So I had no choice but to ask the staff member to call an ambulance for me as I was on my way to Terminal 2. For some reason, when I am in the emergency situation, I don’t care what people think. I’m just trying to live. That is why it is when I am facing death that I feel “alive.” That is why I felt that if you want to feel “alive,” it is important to take a “risk” and act accordingly. Okay, so she called an ambulance. I really should have stood in line at Terminal 2 and asked for a time change at the check-in counter, but I already had to buy a new ticket if I wanted to go today. I made the same mistake. When I was in Georgia, I bought a ticket for about 50,000 yen and managed to get there. It was the same this time. I lost the ticket. But I thought it was just an experience. Besides, I had to call an ambulance even though I didn’t have an insurance card. But of course it was much better than dying. So, at the same time as the ambulance, a security guard who looked like the police came and checked me to see if there was any incident. Probably to make sure it wasn’t like that one with Kim Jong-nam. The ambulance arrived at the terminal about 15 minutes later, and I walked to the ambulance. While waiting on the bench, I said “Thank you very much” to the staff member who helped me. I would also like to thank you in the future when we meet at Narita Airport.


It is no longer an ambulance. It’s too late, and it’s too dreadful.

I get into the ambulance. My hands are rigid and I am unable to drink any fluids. My mouth is dry and the surface of my hands are sweating. This was clearly dehydration. By the time the ambulance dispatched, let’s call it an interview, when did I drink alcohol, who did I go with, where did I drink? And how many drinks and when did he first vomit? Then they asked me about my current symptoms, my mother’s phone number, home address and everything. What’s the point of an ambulance? I thought. I doubt this. It reminded me exactly of that one in Sri Lanka where people died because they were not cared for and not listened to. I don’t think it was an ambulance. Really, I was more angry that they should have transported me right away. I thought, “What is this guy? I wondered if this was Japan. He said he would transport the patient after hearing all the information. What took so long?


Arrive at the university hospital and be surrounded by many doctors as if you were in a critical care unit.

Putting that aside, I was taken to the emergency room. It had been a long time. This was the third time in my life that I was taken to the ambulance. I was taken to the university hospital, a bed was carried, and there was that “Ichininosan” feeling. And there, surrounded by about seven doctors and staff, they did various tests on me. First, a resident doctor drained my blood and put an IV saline solution into it. Since he was a resident, he was not very good at inserting needles, and my blood came out in large quantities. But when I arrived at the hospital, I felt very relieved. My pulse was fast and I had a fever of 37.5. They did so many tests and even did an ultrasound. Since he was a trainee, the doctor used me as a practice subject and looked at me on the echo, like this is my aorta and this is my heart. I saw my heart beating. I thought that was amazing. So the trainee asked me individually, “Can I do it again?” And then he applied the jelly and did it again. I thought, “Please keep learning. I was happy to hear that they thought my Laputa flying stone accessory is cute. Then I got sleepy and slept 80% of the time. Sometimes I was woken up by someone who came to ask me if I was OK. I answered “Yes, I’m fine. My head was starting to get all hot and bothered, so I told them that. They said it was probably because I had a fever. Then I was told the results. There is nothing wrong with my liver or organs, and I am young, so I should be fine! They told me that my carbon dioxide levels were so low that I probably hyperventilated and let out a lot of carbon dioxide, which is what caused this. He said it was tetany. So, at any rate, they knew the cause and that I was mildly dehydrated. I was given a saline solution, and the numbness gradually went away, and I was finally able to walk. I asked him to give me some more saline solution, but he seemed to want me to leave faster, so I told him I was fine. I was taken to the billing place. That was that.


Upon investigation, the cause was “tetany, alkalosis.”

I later looked it up on the internet and found that it was “alkalosis”. As a result of vomiting too much and vomiting too much gastric juice (+ ions, which is acid), the gastric juice (+ ions, which is acid) decreased, leaving the – ions in the body and the pH of the body biased toward alkalinity, resulting in an imbalance in the channels and calcium pump, resulting in this kind of tetany or alkalosis, and consequently rigidity and paralysis, This meant that convulsions occurred. No, no, no, not hyperventilation. So I learned a lot. I wondered how much the bill would be, so I went to the bank and withdrew 50,000 yen. And I took it to the accounting counter. I had my number card with me, so I scanned it, and to my surprise, the insurance was effective! So, the cost was 5,100 yen. Seriously. I felt 15,000 yen was cheap even if I had to pay 100%.


Such a wonderful experience for 45,100 yen. Buy a new ticket.

I paid the 5,100 yen and booked a bus to the airport. Seriously, I thought I was going to get an IV and plan to take the rest of the day off, but for some reason my body did that. Then I had keema curry for lunch, which encouraged me to make gastric juices. I thought I was amazing. How could I be on a flight to Vietnam the same day I was rushed in the ambulance? So I went back to the airport and bought a Vietjet Air ticket there. It cost 40,000 yen. When I actually bought it, it was 24,000 yen, but on the day of the flight, it cost this much. Oh no. Ahhhh…. Oh well. This is also a learning experience, and a wonderful one at that. Ten years from now, or even two days from now, this experience will be a wonderful memory. You will be able to say that you lived a very rich life. This is something very valuable. With that in mind, I bought a ticket for the 4:30 p.m. flight and waited on the bench.Finally, the time came, we boarded the plane, took off, and enjoyed five hours in the air.

Low-cost Vietjet Air

Low-cost Vietjet Air

The flight time is 5 hours. That's quite long.

The flight time is 5 hours. That’s quite long.


Finally arrived in Hanoi, Vietnam!

Arrival in Hanoi! This time, I put my backpack in my check-in luggage. This was my first experience. But since it weighed about 10 kilograms, I had no choice but to check it in because it would definitely be overweight.
I arrived in Hanoi safely. And I passed through passport control without incident, and my visa is valid. Since today was my entry date, I had no choice but to go there today. So I am really glad I could go.

Hanoi Airport Terminal

Hanoi Airport Terminal

I quickly withdraws money from the bank ATM, buys a SIM card, launches the cab app I had downloaded, and calls a cab to take me to where I will be staying.
It is in the very center of town. I arrived and finally opened it with a self check-in. The problem is that the shower and toilet are in the same room, and they are very dirty. And the kitchen is so dirty that it is useless. And the shower probably contains strong acid and is disinfected, as my eyes hurt when I took a shower, which is a clear sign that the shower is disinfected. And that it reminded me of when I lived in a dormitory in Russia. It was really a great first day in Vietnam, with a lot of interesting things happening from the very first day.