
Biggest night market in KL! Eat Chinese food!

Night market in KL! Eat Chinese food!

Visit Jalan Alor, the largest night market in Malaysia

Today, I worked as usual at the cafe and progressed with the projects I had. After that, the time was 6pm, so I decided to walk to the night market. It was a place that Ash, my only Malaysian friend, had told me about.



Lively night market



I buy banana fries.


The night market did not have a lot of souvenirs, but there were many restaurants. In particular, I got the impression that there were many Chinese restaurants. I felt as if I was in China, because everything was written in Chinese. So all the restaurants looked the same, and I had no idea which one was the best.



Almost all in Chinese


I decided to have dinner here tonight and looked at the menu of the place I stopped by. There was a menu of fried rice, which I was interested in, and the man who called me told me that Thai, Chinese, and Malay cuisines are all available, so I decided to go there.



Order the chicken dish and Chinese fried rice.


I ordered Chinese fried rice and a chicken dish that I was curious about anyway. I was surprised at the size S. The chicken dish was 20 ringgit (600 yen) for an S size, and the fried rice was 10 ringgit (300 yen). I wonder if it is more expensive than I expected, but I think it is much cheaper than in Japan. It was really delicious.

Besides, it was the first time in my life that I used Chinese chopsticks to eat food. Eating with plastic chopsticks is a new experience. I was happy to have another new experience today. The fried rice tasted especially good. It would be nice to come back to the same restaurant again to eat fried rice.


After I ate, I decided to walk to my place to stay.

I ate a lot today and I’m gaining weight. That’s a little scary, so I decided that I should at least get a little exercise, so I decided to walk to the place where I am staying. On the way there, I stopped by Starbucks to write my diary and edit some images.



Walking in the heart of Malaysia



I feel that Malaysia is a very unique and strange country

Walking through the central city of Malaysia, I noticed that there are no benches! Since there are no benches to sit on, I can’t create an opportunity to send voice messages outside. I have an accumulation of voice messages from friends that I would like to respond to, but I can’t seem to find the opportunity to do so, which I think is kind of sad. I wish there were more parks in the city center. It’s as if the place goes on forever, like under the highway. A city surrounded by buildings. That’s the impression I got.

So, in my opinion, Malaysia is not a good place to move to. The food is very good, but I prefer Thai food and the cityscape is still more like Bangkok. I feel that Malaysia does not have a lot of entertainment. That’s how I felt. I have the impression that Thailand has great entertainment and Vietnam and Malaysia don’t have much of that. But I feel that Malaysia is very safe. Also, there are a lot of Muslims in Malaysia, so there are a lot of people who feel that way. But there are also many Chinese speakers, Malay speakers, and Arabic speakers. For some reason, I feel that there is something special about this country that is not typical of Southeast Asia. That is why this is so interesting. I was surprised that such a country existed in Southeast Asia.