
Today is what normal in Vietnam is like.

Today is what normal in Vietnam is like.

Days of intense heat continue

Today’s temperature is a whopping 33 degrees Celsius. Of course, it was cooler than the other day when it was 38 degrees Celsius, but it still makes me think that I don’t like summer. I woke up, took a shower, and decided to go to the gym today.



Another new challenge. I head to the gym on the first floor, with the fear, “What if I walk into the gym in my slippers and they refuse to let me in?” But 90% of my actual anxiety didn’t happen. Sure enough, there was no security guard at the gym, and the only people inside were on the contrary, in slippers. Life is like that.



Going to the gym for the first time

At the gym, I do exercises that mainly use my feet. I use the same machine I used when I was in Da Nang the other day to do foot stomping. I am not sure what the machine is for, but I am sure that it helps to strengthen my legs. I, for one, want to walk and be outside. I’m a total outdoorsman. So I’ll just train my legs and do that for about 13 minutes anyway. I calculate that I probably burned about 100 calories.



Onigiri eaten for breakfast




Take a break in the pool after exercise


My hair looks good today. I think I need to get it cut next time because the back part is too much. Also, my hair tends to explode and I wish I could buy a balm to make my hair more manageable. It’s time to use it. Since I was in high school or junior high school, I have been trying to find something good for my hair, and I have settled on “hair oil,” but it seems that it is not reproducible. I went to a hair salon recently and they told me that “balm” is very good. So I am thinking of buying “balm” in Thailand.



Walking outside in search of cafes

I was actually going to go to a nearby Starbucks, but since I was going to be there, I decided to be adventurous and go to a place I looked up on Google Maps. Because it’s a walk, it’s really hot and I’m sweating right away. I think it’s really too hot.

Once again, I realize that I hate “hot”. Sweating is something I really dislike, and that too in a situation where I can’t take a shower right away. So, if I were to have a vacation home in Southeast Asia in the future, I would definitely want to have the ocean nearby. It’s so hot, but if there is no ocean, there is nothing left.

When I arrived at the café, I felt uncomfortable because the seats were so small. So I decided not to go to the cafe and went back to Starbucks. What the heck.



Saw something interesting

When you walk, you make interesting discoveries. Of course, if you always walk on the same roads, you will never discover anything, but when you walk on the roads of different countries, you will see something different from your usual routine.

There was one time when I was walking along a street and found it interesting. Even though it was hot, I couldn’t help but laugh. One man was carrying a bucket of white paint in one hand, his hands were very dirty and his feet were blackened. Such a person is wearing a GUCCI hat. And it was so obvious that it was a fake. That’s what Vietnam is all about. I just laughed and thought it was really funny.



Order an Almond Frappuccino at Starbucks

It was really cool inside Starbucks. I ordered a Frappuccino and am now writing this diary. By the way, it’s really cozy. There are not many people, and I feel great.



But it’s not a challenge for me because “feeling great” = “being in my comfort zone”. This is not good enough.

Going to a restaurant you don’t know, that alone is stepping out of your comfort zone. For me, the biggest barrier, more than going to some other foreign country, is to go into a restaurant by myself. So that’s another barrier that I want to break through as soon as possible. But if I think about it, “Why don’t I go into a restaurant alone?”, “If I am going to go into a restaurant, I would rather go with someone else because it is more fun. If I go to a restaurant alone, it will only cost me more, and my purpose is not the taste of the food, but communication. In other words, the purpose of going to a restaurant was not “to eat good food,” but “to have memories and experiences, to communicate with people,” as I thought about it.

I think I have made a great discovery.



Rolls-Royce vs. Ferrari road battle

I am sorry. I really must apologize so much to my body. I shouldn’t eat McDonald’s all the time, I think. But I can’t help it, I can’t help it, this rice set is delicious. Really. So I can’t help but eat it. Besides, rice is much healthier than fries, right? So I decided to go from Starbucks to McDonald’s, where I could connect to Wi-Fi for a long time to work on the translation of my diary.

On the way there, something really interesting happened.

A Rolls Royce turning left and a Ferrari going straight almost collided with each other. The Rolls Royce, as a matter of course, went straight ahead without looking at anything, as if “no one could stop me” lol. That’s why they almost bumped into each other. Ah, the pride of the rich class is interesting. I think the guy is probably going with the feeling that it would be hard to find anything of higher value than a Rolls Royce.

After all, from what I saw, the Ferrari was giving way nicely. A power struggle between cars. I smiled and laughed a little, thinking how silly it was.
People who drive around in luxury cars are mistaken. When ordinary people see a luxury car, they just think, “Oh, I wonder how cool I would look in that car,” and no one cares or thinks about you in that car, like “Oh, he must be a great guy”. Hahaha.