
I eat Khinkali for the first time in Georgia!

I eat Khinkali for the first time in Georgia!

Today I woke up at 9:00 a.m. I only slept about 5 hours, but somehow I managed to get up and then took a shower as usual. I still hadn’t finished yesterday’s project, so I decided to do that. I had a banana for breakfast. Lately, I feel like I’m eating bananas and fruits for breakfast every day, so I feel like I’m being very healthy. Then I worked for a long time and it was about 2:00 pm.

Today, I have a meeting for a crucial project that was cancelled yesterday, so I prepared for it. But I was focused on another matter the whole time, and the time flew by. The meeting started and I gave a good explanation, but what I felt was that my Japanese keigo has become poor. Maybe it was because I had been in Georgia for 3 days and used only English, or maybe it was because I had few friends in Japan and had no opportunity to use Japanese, but I felt my Japanese had become poor. But after the meeting was over, the client told me that my design is very nice, which made me really happy. Then I decided to go for a walk alone. I left the flat and started walking in the opposite direction. Today, I decided to go for KFC in the Galleria, so that’s where I aimed for. Walking is very refreshing and makes for great sightseeing. For the first time in a while, I picked up my Gopro and started walking.


Strolling through the city today. Heading to the other side of Tbilisi.

On the way, I find a very trendy cafe or a store, and register it on Google Maps as a place I want to go. Then I crossed the bridge and went down. There was a lot of grass there, a dedicated skateboarding area for sports, and it was really huge.

City Hall in Tbilisi, with EU flag.

City Hall in Tbilisi, with EU flag.

A place to skateboard! It's crazy big.

A place to skateboard! It’s crazy big.

It looked as if some kind of sporting event was scheduled to be held there, and construction was underway. I enjoyed walking there. It was full of nature and stylish lights. Usually there are just lights, but this one was designed to go up to the top and then turn around, which I thought was very stylish. As I was walking toward KFC, there was a man sitting on the street measuring the traffic and he was saying something in Russian. He was speaking in Russian, so I understood what he was saying. Yes, show me your watch, what time is it? The man was scared, but I understand Russian, so of course I said, “Of course”. I turned my arm toward him and showed him the time on my watch. Then, the man’s expression suddenly changed and he looked at me with very bright eyes. It was as if he was really moved. I don’t know why he was moved. It was such a happy thing. I was very happy, too. I was really happy to be able to use Russian in my life and to make people smile.

Streets with the atmosphere of a French town

Streets with the atmosphere of a French town

Then I just kept walking. There is a corner of town that looks like Paris, France, where there is a restaurant district with desks and chairs outside. The scenery of the town is really very beautiful and cute. And as we walked on and on, I came across a government building in the center of town. I took some pictures there. In the middle of the government building, there was a man with a Georgian flag on his back, and he was doing political activities as if he was supporting someone.

 Where the President of Georgia is located.

Where the President of Georgia is located.

The police were there too. I kept wondering how I was going to get there, since I found the galleria on the opposite street. Because I couldn’t see any place to go underground, and there was no pedestrian bridge. So I decided to walk all the way to the other side of the street, and as I kept walking, I saw a sign that said “Glory to Ukraine! , a Georgia version of Hollywood star handprint, and a Marriott Hotel. It was a kind of high-class town.

 Georgia's version of the Hollywood star

Georgia’s version of the Hollywood star

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Advertisement for “Glory to Ukraine.”

Finally, I found an underground path, so I ducked into it and went to the other side. There were many fashionable stores on the other side, which were really attractive. Some of them were squeezing pomegranates to make juice, which looked very attractive and interesting, so I approached them and found it was 10 lal. No, too expensive. As you can imagine, I can’t do that. It would be much better to squeeze the pomegranate myself and drink it. And so I finally arrived at the Galleria, listening using the air pod. The Galleria was really a shopping mall, like a Russian Galleria. But not that big in scale. And the first thing I did was to go to KFC because I was hungry. But there were more than 10 people waiting and their orders were full, so I gave up.


Instead of KFC, I went to a restaurant with Georgia food.
First time eating Hinckley’s in Georgia.

KFC was full, so we decided to go to a different restaurant, this one called No. 1 which looked expensive restaurant, but I wanted Khachapuri and Khinkali, so I went there. And I chose to sit outside on the terrace. I thought it would be nice because there were not many people there. But I was wrong. It was so cold. The view outside was beautiful, but it was cold. It was 8 degrees Celsius, and I was wearing only a Burberry trench coat and a Kandinsky T-shirt I bought in Russia, so I was cold. I was thinking about what to order, and I decided to order Khinkali but they asked for a minimum order of 5, so I ordered 5. I also ordered Khachapuri, but there were so many kinds of Khachapuri that I had no idea which one was the ideal one for me. So I ordered the cheapest one at random. And water. I waited, and when it came, it was cheese in the bread. It was good, but not ideal. Then, the Khinkali didn’t come at all after 20 minutes, so I rang the bell and asked if the Khinkali was ready yet. She laughed and told me to wait for 5 minutes. The waitresses were very friendly, and not like the manual robot people we have in Japan, they are very human. She even interrupted me while I was placing my order and said, “Oh, what’s that? It’s starting to rain,” she said to herself. She is so moody person lol. And then Khinkali arrived.

Authentic Khinkali. Very juicy.

Authentic Khinkali. Very juicy.

Khinkali’s taste was great. It was spicy, just like I thought it would be, but it was really great and I couldn’t help it. It was so good that I wondered why it tasted so good, it really was too good. It was too delicious. I chose the Khinkali with meat inside and it was the best. I know how to eat mine, so I hold the tip, nibble a little on the bottom, drink the juice, and then eat it. Yes, I eat it with my hands. This is Georgia! I was so happy to be able to eat Khinkali in Georgia. But it was a little cold because it was outside on the terrace.
Then I decided to go inside the store because I didn’t want to stay there forever and it was very cold. Finished paying the bill. I left the Galleria and headed home. I went home from a different direction. There was a circular road like in Kiev, with a statue standing in the center.

 Near the Galleria, there is also a place that sells books outside

Near the Galleria, there is also a place that sells books outside

Walking further from there, we approached a secluded shopping area. There were many souvenir shops there. There were also many wine stores and fruit shops. After a short walk, there was a bridge, and the view of the setting sun was fantastic.The sky, a gradation of light blue and orange, fascinated me. I crossed the bridge and arrived at a park.
It is probably the biggest park in Tbilisi.

The view from the bridge. Romantic.

The view from the bridge. Romantic.

Here, too, I watch the sun go down in the slightly cooler air. I indulge in my thoughts.

Street lined with souvenir shops

Street lined with souvenir shops

Fruits are also very abundant!

Fruits are also very abundant!

Then I saw what looked like a ring my ex-girlfriend was wearing (the one she said her dad had bought her when he went to Georgia), and I thought this is it. But there was one thing that made me uncomfortable. Whenever I entered a souvenir shop, the clerk would always follow behind me. Why? I wondered. I felt very uncomfortable, wondering if it was to prevent theft.
I wished I could buy souvenirs at the end of November or in December. Also, there was a lot of wine for sale. I’d like to master wine, but with the current low yen, I can’t afford to do so.
It’s getting dark, and we finally arrive home!


Take a break and then go to the supermarket for shopping.

After a short break, I went to the supermarket, bought some toilet paper and toothpaste! I also bought some water and other things. In the end, the total cost was about 1,500 yen, which I thought was a bit much.
I also bought purple grapes this time, but they were too cheap since they were 100 yen for 1 kg. I really like Georgia because they sell them by the kilogram.
Also, Georgia’s lemonade is really good. This time I bought and drank vanilla lemonade, and I felt a little fat these days lol.