
Salad bought at the supermarket. Very fishy.

The salad I bought smelled fishy.

Today, I woke up at 7:30 in the morning. Actually, due to my work, I had a regular meeting in Japan from 1:00 in the afternoon, and the time difference with Japan is 6 hours, so I woke up very early. It had been a long time since I had seen everyone, and I was very happy to see them. At the regular meeting, I shared about how I almost died, the happenings before arriving in Tbilisi, and so on. Fortunately, my design was praised very much, which made me really, really happy. And I was also very happy that the boss was happy. After the regular meeting, I decided to go food shopping for the first time in a while, so I went out to two supermarkets to buy ingredients.


Buy a salad at Georgia’s deli section.

At my favorite supermarket, I bought water, cheese, pomegranate juice, etc. At a supermarket with a 24-hour deli section, I bought French fries and salad. I was a little upset because some lady was angry with me, but I asked a different lady and I spoke only in Russian and Georgian. So, because of that, she was able to put in the right amount that I wanted. And at the end she said “madrova” and grandma was smiling very much. It’s almost a week into my life in Georgia, and I’m thinking that I’m getting used to it. I’m also gaining confidence. I don’t have any friends yet, but I still manage to enjoy myself. And maybe it’s because I haven’t talked to many people, but I’m becoming very willing to communicate. I guess it’s a good thing in that respect. The clerks at the cash registers and the people who bring in the prepared foods are getting to know each other, which makes me kind of happy. Speaking of which, I bought a new Khinkali. There are so many kinds of frozen foods and Khinkalis that I don’t know which one to buy, so I’m going to buy them one by one. I’m going to find the most cost-effective and tasty Khinkali. This is the mission.

Eggs purchased at the supermarket.

Eggs purchased at the supermarket.

Then I also bought eggs and carbasa today. Carbasa is a kind of sausage.
I walked around the city listening to music: Taylor Swift’s new album and a song called stargirl interlude.


The salad I bought smelled fishy.

The fries were good, but I don’t think the chicken salad smelled very nice. It smelled like something weird and fishy. So this is Georgia’s salad. I told myself that I was so used to Japanese food that I had not realized how good Japanese food could be. I told myself, “This is not bad. It is not that this food is bad, but that it is normal. The thing is that Japanese food is sooo crazy delicious.

smelling of fish

smelling of fish


Then I decided to do some English study, etc., and do my daily walking routine. I walked such a long distance today that it was the longest walk I’ve ever done in Georgia. I walked in the same direction from my flat. I found a wine bar and a stylish café very close by, so I thought, “I’ll go there next time”.
So anyway, exploring is really interesting.
After walking for a while, I found a market. It didn’t look very safe, and there were really old ladies, old men, and people who seems that don’t have a lot of money.

 Market bustling with many people

Market bustling with many people

They sell shoes outside. Interesting.

They sell shoes outside. Interesting.

There was a bazaar with miscellaneous goods sold cheaply, some fruit here and there, and an iphone. I put on my shure Aonic5 and walked there listening to music.

 A market where large quantities of fruits are lined up.

A market where large quantities of fruits are lined up.

I thought, “I’m in Tbilisi, Georgia! I really felt refreshed just walking around the city. It was really fun. When I walked around the park, I saw sleeping dogs. There are so many stray dogs in Georgia, and they are so cute. And I thought it is a very animal-friendly country that the government manages all of them.

A dog sleeping outside in the park.

A dog sleeping outside in the park.

Finally, I walked back along the usual main street. On the way back, I saw an interesting cafe and decided to buy something like a small cake there. I didn’t know what it was, but I was a little curious, so I gathered up my courage. I spoke in English and bought two of them. I was curious, so I looked it up and found out that it was a Turkish sweet and its called Pahlawa.

Turkish sweets

Turkish sweets

It tasted very sweet and one taste was enough for me. But it was a great experience. I got up the courage and jumped into the shop. You may think, “Of course, you don’t need courage for that,” but it is very intimidating to come to Georgia alone and spend a week without any friends. So it takes a lot of mental strength. But I still had the courage to do it. Yes, you have to train your mentality more and more to be independent, to be able to live on your own. So I really think it was the right decision to be brave and jump in this time. I’m really glad that the waitresses were able to speak English normally. I was able to pay the bill in a cool way; it was 170 yen. I guess it wasn’t that expensive. But the size was very small.


Coding work at night

Then, I went home and coded the project that was so important to me. I really don’t get lost in coding these days. When I first started, I really didn’t know what it meant, and I had to think a lot about how to do it, but now I don’t have to think about it anymore. So I was reminded that studying is really important. I’m going to do my best! By the end of the year, I’m going to publish my French portfolio,my English portfolio, and build and publish a website where I post this diary of mine and stuff! These three! I will do it!
Next year, I’m going to get a job abroad! And I’m going to do more and more things I can do! That’s all! I will do my best!

150 yen for 3 apples.

150 yen for 3 apples.

 Dinner was kalbasa, bread and grapes that I bought.

Dinner was kalbasa, bread and grapes that I bought.

Oh, by the way, I bought apples, three for 150 yen. I think this is, well, cheap.