
Reunited with an old friend after 3 years in Marunouchi!

Reunited with an old friend after 3 years in Marunouchi!

Toward Tokyo! From Chubu to Haneda

This time, as My adventure Vol. 2 is about to start, we will visit Southeast Asia.

So I decided to go to Tokyo for an overnight stay before the flight to Hanoi, Vietnam, which was flying from Narita Airport!

An old friend I had met when I was a university student was now studying at a university in Tokyo, so I decided to meet up with my friend Rin for the first time in a while!

We were to meet in Marunouchi, so I took the train from Haneda to Marunouchi. It was refreshing to take a Tokyo train for the first time in a while. Unlike in Osaka, I got the impression that everyone was very fashion-conscious. The suits were long and solid, different from the suits of the salarymen on the trains in Osaka.

But once again, I felt that I could not wear a suit to work every day.

Taken in front of Tokyo Station

Taken in front of Tokyo Station


Finally reunited with Rin!

After meeting Rin, I was really excited because it had been so long, and we talked about how 3 years had flown by, and then we decided to go for a walk around the Imperial Palace.

I was thirsty, so I took a break at Starbucks. There we talked about deciphering French philosophy books, and we talked about French literature.

We gave each other updates on what was going on, and even though it had been three years, it really felt like just a few days.

Wander around the Imperial Palace

Wander around the Imperial Palace

I was surprised at the size of the Imperial Palace. It really is too big. In the middle of Tokyo, where there are so many buildings, there is a huge Imperial Palace. I was amazed at the scale of it.

I wish I could see Aiko attending Gakushuin University…or the fact that there are always SPs around her, so I really feel sorry for her because she is being watched. I feel sorry for her because she really has no private life.


Go to a long-established coffee shop for lunch

I moved to Shinjuku and went to Seibu, a long-established coffee shop there! There, Rin offered to treat me, and I had cheesecake and iced coffee, albeit extravagantly.

It was really delicious. Above all, I was really happy that I could stay with Rin for a long time and talk with her about many things. I don’t have many friends with whom I can have deep conversations like this, so it was really intense. It was a lot of fun.

Cheesecake at Seibu Cafe

Cheesecake at Seibu Cafe


Go to Shinjuku Gyoen!

After lingering at the Seibu Cafe for about two hours, I decided to go to a place with big green trees before going out for dinner with members of my company, to which I am always grateful! So we went to Shinjuku Gyoen.

It was an open grassy area where there were really many different trees. Many foreigners were relaxing there. They were relaxing on some kind of sheets. It would be great to read a book in such a place, I thought.

Here we spent some time together, about an hour and a half. Surrounded by nature, we looked up and saw a clear blue sky. It was really wonderful. I thought that nature is a wonderful thing.

Shinjuku Gyoen. I want to read a book here.

Shinjuku Gyoen. I want to read a book here.

We spend time together with the wind blowing in the air.

We spend time together with the wind blowing in the air.

Even though we had not met at all, it really felt as if it was just a few days ago. Rin and I talked a lot about memories from our college days.

I envy you for living near such a place with such nature. I, too, would like to live near a place like this when I move to a new country in the future.

Then, when I want to read a book or discover an idea, I can come here. It’s nice, isn’t it?

Before traveling to Japan, I feel the nature of Japan.

Before traveling to Japan, I feel the nature of Japan.

The time passed so quickly that I said bye-bye to Rin. Let’s meet again in Tokyo!


To “Ore no Italia Bar”! Face to face at last!

We had originally planned to do this in January, a dinner party with members of the company who have always been very helpful to us!

Finally, this time I was going to Tokyo to use Narita Airport to go to Vietnam, so we decided to get together at that time!

Mr. Tanaka and Ms. Minegishi at their first meeting. They didn’t look much different from on screen. But I couldn’t believe they were here.

I was really happy to see Nishimoto-san and Sugimoto-san after a really long time. At first I was really happy because Mr. Nishimoto told me I had lost weight.

We all had a lot of fun and drank a lot of wine. I really had about 7 drinks, the most ever. So, halfway through, it was really bad, and I had to put them on in the bathroom already.



A commemorative photo with everyone!

A commemorative photo with everyone!

We went out to Shinjuku’s Golden Gai as usual. After the meal was over, we decided to have an after-party. Sugimoto-san, my usual good friend’s mom was there today, but she said it was a private party, so that place was not open. So we decided to go to an open place. I ordered a whiskey there.

I was really drunk and even dizzy during our conversation there, so of course I can’t remember everything, but I think I had a deep love talk with Sugimoto-san.

While smoking the yellow-green color of American Spirits, I could not smoke, I think. When I said, “I smoked cigarettes with 00 in Georgia…” he laughed at me lol. And then there were the stories about love. I told him that I prefer people from overseas and that I don’t know how to fall in love with a Japanese person because the process is so different. But I was surprised at how he could suddenly say such a thing after having lived with so many people.

I heard that Nishimoto-san’s favorite movie is “Back to the future”! That’s just like me! I felt the same way.

And Mr. Tanaka seems to like Taylor swift, which was a surprise to me. He seems to think of me coldly as if I were a robot, but I don’t think so.

Minegishi-san was truly pleasant to talk to. Ms. Minegishi’s ability to think from the other person’s point of view is second to none. She has a caring power of about 10,000. I learned a lot from her.

So I ran to the bathroom three times during that time and vomited three times.

After that was over, I had to leave. Even there, I had to go to the train. From there, I got off at the Ikebukuro station and threw up on the way. I felt really bad for making him really uncomfortable, but it was more than that.

Finally, I said goodbye to Nishimoto-san and took the train to a hotel near Narita Airport.

I learned my limits. I learned a lot. I am really sorry for all the trouble I have caused. Thank you very much.