
Visit Linh Ung Temple, driving coast side!

Visit Linh Ung Temple, driving coast side!

Today is the second day with Ryoke. It was about 12:00 in the morning when we woke up. Then, he wanted to order delivery today, so we decided to order Vietnamese food. We ordered Bamiyan and French fries for lunch. It was very tasty.


Us eating Bamiyan



We rode our motorcycles along the coast of Da Nang to Linh Ung Temple!

We decided to ride the motorcycle to a place where there was a big white Buddha. In the process of going there, he was very scared, as if he was riding a motorcycle for the first time. But the view on the way there was really great and very beautiful. You could see the whole city of Da Nang, the ocean on the horizon, and the skyscrapers on the horizon. It was really beautiful. We got on the motorcycle and rode off toward the mountains!


Riding a motorcycle along the coast!


In the future, I would like to buy such a house as a vacation home, and when I am tired, I would like to go to Southeast Asia, or something like that. The place with the big white Buddha is called Lin Ung Temple, and there were many worshippers there.


With the Great Buddha at the Lingun Temple



Beautiful place with a view of the ocean.


When I was about to go to the main hall there, I was stopped by a woman nearby who told me that only foreigners were required to cover their lower half of their bodies with a kind of skirt, so I put on a kind of white skirt and went inside. It looked very interesting, like a hakama (traditional Japanese male dress). I thought that Vietnam seems to be a Buddhist country, just like Japan. However, the amount of money offered was much larger than in Japan, and the average amount was 20,000 dong (120 yen). I was really surprised to see that everyone put more than blue bills in the envelopes. Although Buddhism is the mainstream religion in Japan, 90% of the population is non-religious, so I felt that there are more non-religious people in Japan than in Vietnam. The white Buddha towering over the city was huge, and there were many tourists.



The motorcycle driver who took me to the Lin Ung temple went out of his way to wait for me!

To our surprise, we took a taxi-bike to get there, and to our surprise, they stayed there and waited outside for us until we finished our sightseeing. We took a lot of pictures and got some great ones with nice views.


Me with high tension



It offers a panoramic view of Da Nang!


From then on, I decided to take a motorcycle cab to a café. The café was located near the bridge, and when we actually went there, to our surprise, it was run by a Japanese manager. When we were lost in Japanese, she came out from the back and explained everything to us in Japanese. And she was very polite. I thought that was amazing. I ordered a mango smoothie. Ryoke-chan ordered a lemon juice.

Today’s weather was very cool and there was no sun. There was a slight breeze, and we were talking about how nice it was. After that, we were hungry and decided to go to KFC.

We walked across the river to KFC. I’ve been eating a lot of food lately, and not exercising in return, so much so that I was feeling a bit like I was in trouble. But the scenery was so beautiful when we walked and I really enjoyed it.



A scene I saw at KFC. Something unthinkable in Japan.

At KFC, I ordered the same thing I ordered on the first day. I felt it was very cheap. I was surprised at how cheap it was for a bowl of fried chicken, a coke and fries.


Speaking of which, here’s the Vietnamese banknote, the Dong.


While we were eating upstairs, there were kids playing chair games in the back, and a big stuffed animal in a chicken costume came in and played with something there. The sound was unbelievably loud and deafening. I broke the record again for how quiet Japanese children are in comparison. It wasn’t even loud. They were screaming so loud that the glass shattered, almost as loud as Jain’s voice.
Humans are interesting. After listening to it for more than 10 minutes, I had become accustomed to it like music and was enjoying my meal as usual. So, I thought to myself, humans have an amazing ability to adapt.


After that, we decided to leave our luggage at home and go to the club to dance, but we were so tired that we spent time with each other as soon as we arrived home and ended up dancing at the club tomorrow lol. I thought it was funny that such a thing happened.

Ryoke-chan put his key card in his wallet and it became magnetically defective, so receptionist had to open it for us. But he was quite angry, which I didn’t like.

It was another beautiful day. I had a lot of fun. I feel happy.