
Exchanging LINE with matched girls on online apps.

Exchanged LINE with matched girls on apps.

Nights when I can’t sleep because of worries

Today, I woke up around midnight. Today, too, I could not sleep through the night. I had a lot of worries thinking about the future and many other things. One of my worries was, for example, how much it would cost to send 5 kg of luggage from Vietnam, or whether it would be safe to go to Thailand, since it is only allowed to weigh up to 7 kg. Such silly worries may seem trivial, but in fact they are very important. Worrying is very important, and it is at that time that we gain awareness. That’s what I think. But I couldn’t go to sleep because my brain was full of such things.

After I woke up, there is a cafe downstairs, so I spent the whole time there making a video. A video of my trip; I edited it for about 3 hours, ordered a cup of coffee, and didn’t even drink one. That is indeed a laugh lol.


We went to a Vietnamese home-style restaurant for dinner.

So, after the editing was finished, Ryoke and I went out to dinner together. We went to a Vietnamese home-style restaurant for dinner. I ordered fried rice, which was very spicy. The other dish, stewed meat with caramelized sauce, was also very spicy. Vietnamese food usually comes with chili sauce or sweet sauce, which I thought was very interesting.


Vietnamese Home Cuisine Restaurant

On the way home, I bought some water at a convenience store. When I am with Ryoke, my days tend to be non-active like this. But I think it’s interesting because it’s different from the usual.


Exchange Lines with prostitutes on online apps.

The word “prostitute” conjures up a bad image for me, but there are plenty of people on Tinder and Bumble who are usually in the business of having sex. What I really felt was that most of the beautiful women using Tinder in Southeast Asia are those who are willing to have sex in exchange for money.

The rest of the people who use Tinder are just meeting or being friends with other people. The really beautiful girls are all wearing revealing clothes, boobs, or erotic underwear in the photos at the top. And then there is just an Insta ID on the top. It’s like they are really just using them for advertising. So I matched with one person who asked me “You wanna meet me?” and I was excited to try it out and see what it would be like.

Here’s the picture. It was really too bad.


They also have a Line for the Japanese.


I told her I couldn’t do it today, but I could do it next week! But to my surprise, I was told that a one-night stay would cost 30,000,000 dong (18,000 yen). And for one hour, it was 1500,000 VND. Is this cheaper than the Japanese sex industry? I don’t know, but it is too expensive.

With 18,000 yen, I could buy a ticket from Malaysia to Indonesia and from Indonesia to the Philippines. And with 18,000 yen, I could buy 13 Udemy courses and 10 books. Considering how old I am now, I think it is too much of a waste. I think I would do it if I were more of an uncle and not yet married.

However, when I am in a situation like this, I think about “what would happen if I used this money for personal investment” first, so I am healthy. Good for me lol. Besides, logically, I think it’s much cheaper and less expensive to meet someone on Tinder who wants to have sex with you and fuck them, so it’s a win-win in my opinion.

If you can’t find a good match, you can use the 18,000 yen to buy protein and 2 months of gym, so you can work out and get in shape with that and put it on your profile. So I think it is needed to spend more wisely, you know.