
Dinner is $2! KL density is too low.

Dinner is $2! KL density is too low.

I woke up around midnight today. I woke up very late, even though I have gone to bed at 10pm last night. I guess I was really tired yesterday.

When I woke up in the morning, Russian and Filipino roommates were leaving here today, so I said goodbye to the Filipino boy who had been a good friend of mine. So we took a picture together. It was only 0.3 days, but I think it’s really great that we can be so close and friendly with each other.



Two shots with a Filipino guy!


I hope to be more open and find more friends.



I decided to explore outside. I wanted to have lunch, so I went to a nearby mall anyway.

There were many restaurants in the basement there, and they were surprisingly inexpensive! A chicken and rice set was only 330 yen. It was amazingly cheap! I thought, “This is Kuala Lumpur.” I ended up going to Burger King and ordered a hamburger value set. It consisted of cheese fries, chicken burger, and Sprite for 330 yen.



Value set. Very cheap.


Too cheap! That really surprised me.



Moved to cafe for online meeting

The cafe there is called 103COFFEE, which is also one of the top ranked coffee baristas and very famous for its latte art. So I ordered an iced cappuccino. It was very interesting because it was very latte art. They are particular about the coffee beans, and the taste was very interesting.



Cappuccino tastes very strange


I felt it was not good to stay too long, so I moved to a different cafe. I ordered a cappuccino there as well. The cafe there was called Ace cafe, so I guessed it was a member of the Ace Hotel. I had an online meeting there and decided to work on a website for a new client related to architecture. Very excited. I love this kind of website!



Eat a very inexpensive evening meal at a shopping mall

The price was a whopping $2.00, or 300 yen. Dinner was a rice and chicken set. I feel like I have only eaten rice and chicken set recently. But I really love it. It’s very tasty. And I don’t remember what it is called, but I think it is a famous Malaysian dish. It was really delicious. Malaysia is very famous for its low cost of living, and it really is. I think it is the cheapest in Southeast Asia.



This is 330 yen. Too cheap.



I was hungry, so I went to the second restaurant. This one cost 430 yen.


The taste was good! The restaurant was also really for the masses, with a lot of students and young people. But it is understandable. It’s really unthinkable to eat for 300 yen. I also noticed that in Malaysia, you can use credit cards in many stores, not only cash. I think this is a great discovery.

I was able to spend about 2 hours here writing and updating my blog and doing many other things!



Is Malaysia Muslim? The population density is amazingly surprising.

Even though it is the central city of Malaysia, there are really no people walking around at night! Even when I go to shopping malls, there are few people! I wonder how shopping malls can run their business with such a lack of people. I am so surprised by that. On the contrary, I feel lonely because there are few people.



Central KL at night.


And since it means that pork is prohibited, perhaps they are Muslim? I wonder if it probably is, since almost all women in Malaysia wear hijab. Still, it is really interesting. I had never imagined a Southeast Asian country wearing hijab, so it was very interesting.