
Dedicated introspection, reflecting on my own life in Vietnam

Reflecting on my own life in Vietnam

Today when I woke up in the morning, my food poisoning abdominal pain was very much improved. I wonder if the azithromycin worked very well. I am very happy. I thought that apparently it is not the toxin type, but the bacterial breeding type. Besides, I did a lot of research on the Internet and found out that if you have food poisoning, you shouldn’t take drugs. If you take antibacterial drugs, drug-resistant bacteria will form and they will not work next time. If I took anti-diarrhea or anti-nausea medicine, it is said, the poison would be trapped in my body and I would become seriously ill if the bacteria causing the food poisoning was of the toxin type. But when I woke up in the morning I didn’t seem to be feeling too bad, so I decided to continue taking the medicine anyway. I thought that stopping halfway through might be even worse than “taking antibacterial drugs when you have food poisoning”.



Go to McDonald’s again and order a rice set today

An original menu that is probably unique to Vietnam, or even Southeast Asia. McDonald’s rice set. It comes with rice and two pieces of chicken, to which you can freely pour mayonnaise or chili sauce. Moreover, it also came with a little lettuce, which reminded me of taco rice.



However, the rice was not Japanese, but from Southeast Asia, so it was dry. But it was very tasty. I also chose the peach tea, which had real peaches on it. There I was uploading my diary and reviewing my blog.




In the evening, on the same terrace, I make time for myself by reading a book or doing some introspection

Today I read Akihiro Nishino’s book “Dreams and Money”. In doing business, where do the wealthy spend their money? And that luxury means the absence of competition, where you can create your own definition of money by creating it. Selling by “function” creates money limitations there, so you sell “meaning,” etc., etc., etc. It was a really interesting business book.



This is his first book in a long time. When I was a college student, I read “Fanfare for a Revolution” and thought it was a great book, but this book is also very impressive because it really digs deep into money. It also made me feel that business is fun.



I have a new dream

I often look at Instagram reels, and lately all I see are travel-related reels, and among them was a reel of a group of Europeans surfing in Thailand, sailing, dancing in clubs, kayaking, and BBQing at night. When I saw that, I felt envious. I felt like I wanted to be a part of that group. I have always had one-on-one conversations and have never been in a group. When I was in high school, I spoke Portuguese in order to open up in the presence of others in the group. The bullying was so severe that I became shy and resistant to saying or doing anything interesting and unique in the group. I want to break through and get over this traumatize things. That is my dream.



What it feels like to live in a luxury residence

This time, I chose a property in upscale Residence, which is great because Airbnb allows individuals to rent out their homes or even apartments. I chose to rent a room on the 20th floor of a place with a swimming pool and gym in the upscale Residence district. The place has an amazing kitchen and a decent bathroom, to my surprise. Apparently, there are usually two people living there, but one lives in a different place only when someone wants to rent it. The key card I was using had someone else’s name on it.

I’m living with another Vietnamese guy right now, he’s extremely macho and he’s always working out. And he has about 10 kilos of protein, so I really felt he was serious. I think people who live in high-class residence are all like this. They are all really intense people. I just felt like they all had money after all. And the women who live there are all beautiful. There are really no “ugly” women. So, in the end, in order to become rich or to be liked by rich people, I think that being “ugly” is out of territory. But if a man wants to marry or date a “beautiful woman,” he also needs money. I think it’s hard for men, too. But I can feel this way because I have the experience of living in a luxury residence.

Besides, if I were asked whether I wanted to live in a house or a luxury residence in the future, I would say, “My actual house is a house, and I would prefer a luxury residence for my vacation home in Southeast Asia.”

To be honest, if you ask me if I want to live in Vietnam, “I don’t think I want to live there” is now.



Vietnam, and almost all of Southeast Asia, is hot. I have several reasons why I don’t want to live in Vietnam: “There are few meals where you can get vegetables, and many of them are prone to food poisoning,” “The climate is too hot and humid, and I really don’t want to be outside,” and “There are not many people who can tell deep stories.”

I am an artistic person, so I love deep stories. I am interested in philosophical talks, art talks, technology talks, all deep talks. But there are not many people who can do that. Of course, the level of education and the environment speaks for itself, but I still think that “climate” and “food” are quite important. In other words, the environment.



But, thanks to living in a luxury Residence, I have learned that my future Southeast Asian villa would be “at least on the 20th floor of a luxury residence, with the bed by the window, which is at a height where you can look back next to it when you lie in bed, with the ocean near the view from the window, I want a Residence that has orange lights, wine near the kitchen, and is in a location where other buildings won’t interfere with the view I have in the future, and pool and sauna on the rooftop.

I feel that this is also a really big discovery.



My impression of Vietnam’s zeitgeist

I felt this in Vietnam at a fashion show for children that was held during my recent visit to Hanoi. The soundtrack for this was music that was synthesized from trendy music that was often used by high school students back then when TikTokga became popular in 2018. Also, in the story of my friend’s Indonesian friend, she was making heart marks and dancing to the music. What we can see here is that this was something that was popular around 2018 in Japan. Nowadays, I rarely see people doing this kind of thing anymore. It seems like Southeast Asia is 3 to 4 years behind Japan in youth trends. Such is the feeling.

Today was another wonderful day. I had delicious food at a delivery place, and I replied to a Dutch friend via voice message at night in a place like this. I’m so happy. Thank you again today.